Hi There! 👋🏻

You can find live updates about my side projects here. I like to take notes of my progress as granular as possible. This helps me to have that story on how the project/product evolved. I am a person who enjoys the journey of planning, making, testing, fixing and iterating, rather than just showcasing the final product. At the same time, this notes helps me to fuel in some of my learnings into upcoming projects if I happen to forget some details about them.

“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them.” – David Allen

Of course, I do forget and hence I write.

If you are here, it may be that you are interested on those live and granular updates too. I am happy to connect for ideas, discussions and collaborations.

<aside> 👋🏻 You can connect with me on Twitter & Github



If you like my work, consider supporting it.

If you like my work, consider supporting it.

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